Whomm - onboard the crastest sled against the wall!
Experiment by do it yourself, it's me, indeed: on a crash test sled against a rigid barrier simulating a frontal crash at about 50 km/h (approx. 31 mph).
I'm not a bot. This site is truly hand made.
My jobs
Walter Preiß
(Nice Price; »ß« = »ss«
or rarely »sz«)
info preiss-walter.
Engineer: Trouble shooter not trouble administrator. Making gold out of sh*t.
End of the project, when with successfully
finishing the question arises, what one has done the whole time,
this can really indicate that one has done an excellent job.
Or: »Why should I worry about whether the bridge holds, if
I know it will never be built?
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft FhG IIS / Intego: Pyritte-RS
Reflection supported pyrometric interferometry - optical in situ measurement system for film thickness and temperature determination in semiconductor processing (built by Mikromak and Intego).
CAM 2000 megapixel sensor
High-speed camera systems Weinberger and FhG IIS.
Abused 6 kg battery
Don't trust batteries you haven't developed on your own. (Sometimes not even those. ;-) Overheating due to abuse; EaglePicher.
PTS / IVT: Vipro 7LS
Ex Grundig-PTS, now IVT: AOI - Automated optical soldering inspection system for large-scale (serial) manufacture.
My hobbies
Every now and then there are good ice conditions during
wintertime. Then I draw my circles skating on the Birkensee (east
of Nuremberg, Germany). For pair skating with Katarina Witt it
won't do by far, but what counts is the Olympic spirit: join in is
(By the way: the Birch Tree Lake is also famous for its nudism
beach - in summer naturally! - But then I am usually on tour with
my bike.)
The other wastepaper bin
And if the weather is still too lousy, I'll sit in front of this box.
Well, I intend to rebuild my model railroad in real grand style just sometime.
Well, long ago I wanted to become an animal scientist, emphasis behavioral science (animals in human environment).
What else meets my interest? - Well, you will find it there.
Light workshop
I am an eye guided person. Light has a certain fascination for me since ever, therefore now and then I moreover create lamps, lights, spots, and so on.
Like here made of wood and plexiglass wastes of a
litter box constructed in a pyramid stump shaped style. Well, a lot
of triangular spare pieces remain, and then sometime during
cleaning up one has the striking idea...
Or out of an empty shampoo bottle just looking too good to throw
away. The shade made of plexiglass, varnished on both sides with
fluorescent paint, shows interesting effects together with the
black light. And especially after switching off!
One of my favorite recreational activities - not for sports, but
just for fun in the nature. That's providing much space for
thinking - over me, the world and the rest of the universe...
(Because if the finest thing of cycling is taking a shower after
it, one has done something wrong. Guys, who must be the fastest all
the time shouldn't go to the fitness studio, but just to the
psychiatrist - the trick cyclist.)
It has something of master of time and space, after one has
climbed up a ridge and discovers a castle, a peak or another marked
point and then make a more or less cross-country approach: »my
name is written on it!«.
My way
Post BMW (by Frank P.)
Engaged in making me popular once more:
Together with Peter converting Jock's (German Post)
yellow BMW 320 into a stagecoach. Jock surprisingly
appreciated the somehow professional design and let the stickers
where they were often been asked whether he is bringing express
University Erlangen south area, underground car park, late
Better to lose a good friend than to give away a point.
(H. Sienkiewicz in Quo Vadis, or is it from Oscar Wilde or even from the Old Romans?)
Bio image sensor with central processing unit
Deep insight (by Dr. dent. D. D.)
And here just a look in my deepest interior:
I still have one milk tooth, not only poison fangs.
The wisdom teeth tilt by 90° are all out already.
And on the right the in between.
What makes me work.
Anny D
Ey, this one! - This section was created only, because
right at the beginning there had been shown - just as a joke - a
photo of Anny D under Any (key) and I was so often asked, who this
dream woman is.
Well, it's a damn long time ago, but she knows of her luck. (At
least she has been able to work it out. ;-)