WP's Status


Status Information

At a glance

Entire site is designed for fast access to first-class content and not for presenting multimedia orgies - form follows function.

Walter Preiß
Technology Systems

  • Resolution
    best: 1920 x 1080 x 16.7 million colors (true color)

  • Browser
    not specific up to date HTML5 compatible version

  • Special Features
    - bilingual English + German
    - nothing like Java, background sound, blinking animations, banners ...
    - navigation supported by JavaScript in separate file
    - valid HTML5 with sole CSS formatting in separate file





Each page and the site use JavaScript to support navigation. If it is deactivated considerable disadvantageous effects will occur, however, the single pages will be accessible so far. The site is designed for working either with or without JavaScript.
The site is created on a PC with present virus checking software and is hosted on a paid, advertisement free server or webspace, resp. Active contents are reduced to a minimum and will not be loaded without your explicit permission.

The site attaches great importance to the security interests of visitors. Relevant visitor data input is not required.



Every site hit increments the counter with a latency. The following data acquisition takes place using JavaScript and possibly cookies: Provider, referrer and link counter. The information gained will exclusively be used to optimize the site. See under Popularity below to get an impression, which data are logged - and - what commercial interested parties (and much worse guys!) could even read out of your pure click. The site itself does not make any usage of cookies, trackers or similar techniques.

Each and any identification or any tracking of visitors are neither desired nor arranged.



Each of the given information, technical data, specifications and descriptions are determined by best effort and are proofed in different ways as far as possible. This is valid for listed software, too.

There is no guarantee for fault-free and complete information, descriptions, technical data, specifications and features of appliances and software.



Extracts of numerous public and other sources are used by this site. Because the sources are cited and named as far as known and taking into consideration the non-commercial, sole informative character of this site and the small sizes of imported and displayed extracts the webmaster supposes that there are no violations against copyrights.
(As far as possible and necessary the original authors were asked to use their material. Besides all the sources are named and the contents are checked as far as possible.)
Product and trade marks are not explicitly marked with »®« or »™«. That does not allow any conclusions concerning their free availability.
There is no guarantee that you may use the labels and material of external sources even for private purpose only.

Nevertheless, if you are holder of a copyright or a trade mark in question and disagree with this point of view, please contact the webmaster to come to an amicable settlement.


Intellectual property

Even now and then some text passages and images could be familiar to you: some users, especially commercial organizations inclusive print media, have made broad one by one use for their own publications. Of course, without any source reference and consultation. Only the Klett publishing company and a very few private individuals acted in an exemplary manner.
(Well, just to mention, the canon - the site and its major contents - existed before Wikipedia has come up.)

If you intend to use texts and/or images of WP's HP/frame set in private or not commercial field (e.g. education and science), you should neither alienate nor pass off these as own creation and a link, however, or at least a reference to WP's HP would be highly appreciated. Prior to any use in commercial field an explicit approval is required.


General terms and conditions

Entire site is non-commercial. (PTS - walterpreiss.de Technology Systems is just an insider joke.)
But feel free to get in touch. Spam and advertising mails, however, are unwanted.

This is a private site. It makes no advertising and it pursues no commercial interests at all. There is nothing to sell or to buy.



External contents of sites, pages of WP's Home Page / Site are directly or indirectly linking to (link marking see [Help]), are beyond control of the webmaster. This is valid for advertising banners and pop-up windows as well. Even if checked on regular basis unwanted content can not always be avoided.
The webmaster appreciates information about linked sites with illegal, unconstitutional, violence glorifying, offensive or insulting contents. After an examination with positive findings the according links will be removed as soon and as far as possible.

The webmaster explicitly disassociates himself from such dubious contents.


Author and Webmaster

Editor Walter Preiß
info preiss-walter.

Nuremberg, Germany


©WP since 1998


World Wide Web

Web representation

Enjoy WP's home page, the advertising free main site is here:

http://www.fen-net.de/walter.preiss; will be replaced by https://www.walterpreiss.de end of  2023

Additional site since 2012:

http://www.preisswalter.de (http://www.preiss-walter.de)



Effective HP (= index.html only) page impressions since 1999-03-02 to 2007-03-05: 31 500; and site access counter since 2007-03-05. Counter visits from 1999-03-02 until 2013-12-06: 237 309. 2023-03-02 the counter exchange took place at about 400 000.
(Due to the new guideline concerning data protection and more restrictive browser settings since May 2018 has made it rather calm down. And in fact I don't want to constrain it either.)

Visitors since 1999-03-02  

This website uses an external counter to count the number of website visits. A Java script is used for this loaded from an external website. The server from besucherzaehler-kostenlos.de saves the IP address of the access anonymously and temporally delimited in a LOG file. This will be regular irrevocably deleted.
To ensure correct functioning of the meter, the visitor counter also saves a so-called session cookie on the visitor's computer. This is usually from Browser deleted as soon as it is closed. In this cookie no personal information is stored. He contains only the information of the called domain, as well as a Boolean tag (true/false) to count the visitor as already counted mark.
Furthermore, no personal or personal data collected from the visitor counter. One Tracking or attribution of access is not available at any time possible. A special thanks goes to www.howtodocentral.com, this free service is only possible with their support is made.



1998 25th Anniversary 2023

Present version

Enclosed new items in version 9.6 (2023-03-02): satiric era comparison Raider always was Twix, Splitter and further WEG stories. Rework of rail pages. Additional rail photos and animal farm stories. Switching from freepage to fortunecity.ws for extra pages. Counter exchange. Complete link check. 100% validation.
Counter's 24th anniversary: estimated 400 000 visits.


Previous versions

2017/X, Version 9

  • V9.5 (2022-03-02): real satire MIL Lions. Pop-up window for the automatic translation of WEG - Way of Life pages. New Farm story. True image map for Intro of HP. Re-compressing graphics from gif to png. Overhauling navigation and JavaScript. Complete link check. 100% validation.
    Counter's 23rd anniversary: 397 700 visits.

  • V9.4 (2021-03-02): Das Projekt - a played gag and Manageritis - a dialog. Converting the AVIs to MP4 for replay with browser integrated player. Adding short videos. Transferring SpeedCam History, Duperey Kaleidoscope and Tales of the Road to separate pages on reactivated freepage domain. Reduction of XHTML to HTML5 syntax.
    Counter's 22nd anniversary: 395 750 visits.

  • V9.3 (2020-03-02): Conversion from XHTML 1.0 Strict / Frameset to HTML5 inclusive design update. Additions, structural changes and streamlining.
    Counter's 21st anniversary: 393 750 visits.

  • V9.2 (2019-03-02): Die Galeere - a farce of modern world of work. Abroad - anecdotes of culture clash. Bw - Don't Look Back in Anger. New cat stories.
    Counter's twentieth anniversary: 383 000 visits.

  • V9.1 (2018-03-02): plot and description of the spectrum of a red LED. Explanation of translatoric stroboscopy.
    Counter's nineteenth anniversary: 363 500 visits.

  • V9.0 (2017-03-02): additional cycling tours and more marginal notes. Description of sCMOS sensor. Toggling list of linked contents at the top of each page.
    Counter's eighteenth anniversary: 328 000 visits.

2009/2017, Version 8

  • V8.9 (2016-03-02): additional and edited cycling tours and marginal notes. Improvement for readability also for mobile users.
    Counter's seventeenth anniversary: 305 750 visits.

  • V8.8 (2015-05-12): additional marginal notes. Adaption for mobile devices.

  • V8.7 (2014-10-03): new cycle tours, biking tips, improvement of readability.
    Counter's sixteenth anniversary: 283 000 visits.

  • V8.6 (2013-12-06): small comparison of recumbent types including driving experience, improved integration of extra pages; switch to new 2nd generation counter.
    Counter's fifteenth anniversary: 243 500 visits.

  • V8.5 (2012-12-12): additional Bike Tours, additional springs in the Nuremberg region, any more wired thoughts, readability improvement, navigation improvement.
    Counter's fourteenth anniversary: 224 250 visits.

  • V8.4 (2012-03-02): more animal stories, more marginal notes, Anny D. picture on an exhibition, complete versions history; concentrating on one single domain, thus ending support for mirrors http://wpshp.fortunecity.com and http://private.freepage.de/walterpreiss; reduction of slow motion GIFs.
    Counter's thirteenth anniversary: 203 500 visits.

  • V8.3 (2011-04-07): additional animal story Swan Lake, more detailed sensor identification, explosion drawing of a crash-proofed digital high-speed camera; avoiding advertisement.
    200 000th visitor on 2012-01-04.

  • V8.2 (2010-10-20): additional Marginal Notes, additional bike tours, new animal stories page; general overhaul - direct access to photos.
    Counter's twelfth anniversary: 180 200 visits.

  • V8.1 (2010-03-02): new heating with light page, reworked Anny Duperey Kaleidoscope, improved HP design with direct access to contents; ending Search Engine Collection and Anny Duperey Interviews; shortened versions history; bundled links.
    Counter's eleventh anniversary: 148 250 visits. 150 000th visitor on 2010-03-22.

  • V8.0 (2009-10-01): additional cycling tours in the Nuremberg region, especially for mountain bike, additional images; further improved navigation with deep links.
    140 000th visitor on 2009-11-25.

2004/2009, Version 7

  • V7.9 (2009-03-02): explanation of filter errors (moiré and aliasing), pictural explanation of motion blur, some examples of movement speeds; enhanced navigation with feed-back.
    Counter's tenth anniversary: 118 000th visits; 120 000th visitor on 2009-03-25; 130 000th visitor on 2009-07-10.

  • V7.8 (2008-09-14): high-speed camera buyer's guide, links to control and movement analysis software for high-speed cameras, back-side illuminated sensor, color separation, saddle height of racer and MTB, figures for camera setups, refresh for Anny Duperey Kaleidoscope.
    110 000th visitor on 2008-12-04.

  • V7.7 (2008-02-29): Oscar et la dame rose, more marginal notes; high-speed camera concepts; enhanced navigation making accessible all pages directly; 80 000th visitor on 2008-02-29; counter's ninth anniversary: 80 500 visits.
    90 000th visitor on 2008-05-19, 100 000th visitor on 2008-08-20.

  • V7.6 (2007-03-05): adding new marginal notes, Animal Farm info, new potable water springs, new cycle tours, image data transfer, color sensor under the microscope, micro lenses, depth of field/focus formula, spectral sensitivity, cost overview digital high-speed cameras, new Anny Duperey screenshots; site counter instead of visit counter; Status page completely bilingual; overhauled navigation and new frameset.

  • V7.5 (2006-04-01): description of CMOS APS principle, rework of high-speed imaging, bundling and sorting sequences and adding new links, rework of Anny D Bio, adding new marginal notes, adding free fall equations, adding one more photo, enhancing readability by bundling links, new directory structure.
    27 000th visitor on 2006-05-02, 28 000th visitor on 2006-06-27, 29 000th visitor on 2006-09-04, 30 000th visitor on 2006-11-11, 31 000th visitor on 2007-01-22; counter's eighth anniversary: 31 500 visits.

  • V7.4 (2005-09-18): image memory info for high-speed cameras, more detailed description of photo terms and expressions; legacy reduction.
    23 000th visitor on 2005-10-10; 24 000th visitor on 2005-12-13; 25 000th visitor on 2006-01-26; counter's seventh anniversary: 25 800 visits; 26 000th visitor on 2006-03-12.

  • V7.3 (2005-05-05): CSS and JavaScript consolidation, new loading concept and style for »buttons«.
    21 000th visitor on 2005-06-16, 22 000th visitor on 2005-08-10.

  • V7.2 (2005-02-25): introducing Visario Generation 2 and Cine SpeedCam concepts, explaining flicker of lamps, additional Anny D images, photos, funny stuff; code transformation to strictly CSS.
    counter's sixth anniversary: 19 200 visits; 20 000th visitor on 2005-04-22.

  • V7.1 (2004-08-16): new cycle tours, completing Anny D interview of 1977, adding Bw images in ANY-Bund, introducing Animal Farm.
    17 000th visitor on 2004-10-25; 18 000th visitor on 2004-12-30; 19 000th visitor on 2005-02-20.

  • V7.0 (2004-03-01): zoom lens flange-back adjusting procedure, new marginal notes ideas, equations of movement, high-speed camera sequences changed from DivX;-) 3.11 alpha to DivX 5.0.2 codec, improved navigation, code transformation from HTML 3.2/4.01 Transitional to XHTML 1.0 Strict / Frameset, Opera compatibility, reduced but available support of Netscape Navigator 4.7.
    Counter's fifth anniversary: 13 800 visits, 14 000th visitor on 2004-03-10, 15 000th visitor on 2004-05-12, 16 000th visitor on 2004-08-01.

2001/2004, Version 6

  • V6.9 (2003-09-06): extended photographic info, adding Cycling round Nuremberg, adding Anny D encounter, adding Railroad Tour, more own contents including some images, improved design for 800 x 600, structural changes integrating pop-up windows into the frame set, enhanced header line.
    11 000th visitor on 2003-09-08, 12 000th visitor on 2003-11-11, 13 000th visitor on 2004-01-19.

  • V6.8 (2003-04-05): new home page design, guided tour, distance and focal length calculator, improved Anny D kaleidoscope images, larger GIF images in interlaced mode, overhauled button images, Status page bilingual, Opera 7.03 compatibility.
    9 000th visitor on 2003-05-09; 10 000th visitor on 2003-07-09.

  • V6.7 (2002-12-02): trigger device in word and image, translation of Anny D interviews, Netscape 7.0 compatibility.
    8 000th visitor on 2003-02-03; counter's fourth anniversary: 8 250 visits.

  • V6.6 (2002-08-15): focus on self made stuff; new stories for [ANY]-Key, photos of the 125th anniversary of the Pegnitztalbahn, Indeo and DivX short tests.
    7 000th visitor on 2002-10-09.

  • V6.5 (2002-01-12): info about color filtering, Marginal Notes replaces Windows Fan Corner, basic cell structures of CCD and CMOS sensors; new background.
    counter's third anniversary: 5 300 visits; 6 000th visitor on 2002-07-05.

  • V6.4 (2001-09-23): header link line.
    5 000th visitor on 2001-12-02.

  • V6.3 (2001-07-11): CCD versus CMOS cameras, ANNY-mation, photo and SpeedCam info.

  • V6.2 (2001-05-03): »exploding bulb« info, autologon info, SpeedCam history, enhanced Anny D images.
    4 000th visitor on 2001-06-05.

  • V6.1 (2001-02-25): Opera 5.02 compatibility, SloMo history.
    counter's second anniversary: 3 400 visits; new URL since 2001-04-01.

  • V6.0 (2001-01-17): complete layout refresh, CSS, Anny D image sources, additional DivX compressed AVIs, Netscape 6.0 compatibility, improved JavaScript (part of a frame set).

2000/2001, Version 5

  • V5.9 (2000-12-11): model railroad.
    3 000th visitor on 2001-01-16.

  • V5.8 (2000-11-07): revised images, browser compatibility.

  • V5.7 (2000-10-15): updates.

  • V5.6 (2000-09-07): Anny D bio.

  • V5.5 (2000-07-21): HP's search engine and SloMo JPEGs.
    2 000th visitor on 2000-09-02.

  • V5.4 (2000-05-29): search engine collection.

  • V5.3 (2000-04-29): frameset with four frames including »SubLoad« menu for sub pages.

  • V5.2 (2000-03-19): extra help and status frame; download section.
    1 000th visitor on 2000-03-29.

  • V5.1 (2000-02-16): additional high-speed camera know how.
    counter's first anniversary: 800 visits.

  • V5.0 (2000-01-10): complete new layout due to complete separation in an English and a German version.

1999/2000, Version 4

  • V4.9 (1999-12-25): extra Anny D frame.

  • V4.8 (1999-12-12): new home page layout without frames.

  • V4.6 (1999-11-22): first SpeedCam AVI color samples.

  • V4.3 (1999-11-01): SpeedCam AVIs + GIFs, enhanced site layout without header frame.

  • V4.1 (1999-10-14): navigation with JavaScript (for browser Buttons) and without.

  • V4.0 (1999-10-07): contents sorted in directories and subdirectories; intro map.

1999, Version 3

  • V3.7 (1999-07-19): mirror 2 (fortunecity.de).

  • V3.2 (1999-06-06): new button layout.

  • V3.1 (1999-05-25): JavaScript for buttons [onmouseover].

  • V3.0 (1999-05-06): SpeedCam AVIs of all present GIFs.

1999, Version 2

  • V2.9 (1999-04-16): mirror 1 (freepage.de).

  • V2.8 (1999-04-08): Pin board.

  • V2.0 (1999-03-09): combined navigation.

1999, Version 1

  • V1.7 (1999-03-05): counter registration 1999-03-02.

  • V1.6 (1999-03-02): SpeedCam AVIs instead of GIFs.

  • V1.0 (1999-01-31): combined layout; icons for navigation.

1998/1999, Version 0

  • V0.7 (1999-01-25): present SpeedCam GIFs.

  • V0.4 (1999-01-18): bilingual English - German.

  • V0.1 (1999-01-09): first contents.

  • V0.0 (1998-09-14): digital business card, contents gathering phase.