Personal link collection
For what search engines are for essentially
Linked to the ground
Each contents meanwhile presented at other sources I need not to warm up again.
Ever been confronted with a broken link? - Well, almost nothing is more transitory than a link!
Image processing and photography
Organizations, companies and info
Filmtechnik: (Engl.: movie making techniques) about professional movie making (in German) by Stefan Neudeck
- the site for photographers with info, tests ... (in German)
Image Engineering: general technical info
Deutsches Kameramuseum (Engl.: German Camera Museum), Plech: the collection of Kurt Tauber
Art + photo + illusion
Some own snapshots:
Akiyoshi's illusion pages (Akiyoshi Kitaoka, Department of Psychology, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan): optical illusions
Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena (Prof. Dr. Michael Bach, Eye Clinic, University of Freiburg, Germany): optical illusions
M. C. Escher: official gallery of the artist well-known for his illusion drawings and links
FAU, Phil. (Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany): art of photography, history, basics, image processing, links ... (in German, but worth to visit)
Filmschule (, Munich: film tricks (in German)
IllusionWorks: optical illusions, examples and explanations
Turm der Sinne (Engl.: tower of the senses), hands-on museum, Nuremberg, Germany: optical and sensory perceptions
Microscope and scientific photos
High-speed imaging - how does it work?
Professor (retired) Andrew Davidhazy, Rochester Institute for Technology (RIT): various techniques of imaging
Eye of Science, Reutlingen, Germany: microscope, underwater and other photos
Face Detection: Robert, the image processing guru
ex Nanoworld, University of Queensland: microscope photos (Gallery) with magnifications up to more than x 10 000 and descriptions of the experimental environments
Some steam loco photos:
Bayerisches Eisenbahnmuseum, Nördlingen (BEM; Engl.: Bavarian Railway Museum)
Verkehrs-/DB Museum, Nuremberg (VMN; Engl.: Transportation Museum)
Deutsches Dampflokmuseum, Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg (DDM; Engl.: German Steam Locomotive Museum)
IGE Erlebnisreisen, (special rail excursions), Hersbruck, Germany
The integrated search engine:
FEN search engine: Search in the Citizens' Net Fürth-Erlangen-Nuremberg.
(Meta-) search engines, also apart from the mainstream - here a small list is available (in German) - SELFHTML - Do it yourself home page and Internet knowledge; powerful, good and, nevertheless, for free (in German)
Meanwhile also parallel for HTML5 from Stefan Münz directly -
Free HTML and XHTML syntax checker Tidy for the HTML and XHTML text of the home page provided by
Free online HTML5 NU HTML Checker and Validator provided by
Bike, Maps and more
With the own
bicycles on tour:
Recumbent overview:
Nuremberg: - cycling
From the region
Bayern Atlas (ex Bayern Viewer): free, official map and air photo material of Bavaria (Southern Germany; in German):; with very sophisticated route planner
- Nürnberger Land - Nuremberg County and Frankonian Mountains
- Franconian Switzerland
- highlands in Western Upper Palatinate
- Franconian Lake County
- Sand Axis Franconia
Mohrhof Weihergebiet: Naturschutzgebiet (Engl.: nature reserve) Biengarten near Höchstadt an der Aisch
- Naturschutzgebiet (Engl.: nature reserve) Wengleinpark (for walking only) in Eschenbach near Hersbruck (east of Nuremberg)
FAV walking paths in Middle Franconia (Nuremberg) and surroundings
Why France? That's why! (An homage)
Anny D
- Nuremberg, the region and other German locations in airborne photos
Stadtplandienst: (Engl.: City Map Service) city maps of Germany with (public) facilities
Map and data material of Germany (in German):
- free official map material of France
Open Streetmap: free world wide map material
Bilder der Welt - wr Presse: some like it cold, Reinhardt Wurzel
Nature and environment
The own
Animal Farm:
Verkehrsrelikte: railroad, road, canal and other traffic relics in Germany (also in the Nuremberg region)
TU Clausthal: mineralogy exhibition
- (ex, German Federal Environment Agency: official map of pollution in Germany (in German)
Maltese Falcon: Dyna-Rigg noble sailing yacht and even nobler Concept C.2157 and Black Pearl
ESYS - Sailing: including vessels, history, images and info
Storm tide: the German coast through the centuries (in German)
Converters and
AVI players:
Auf Zu: general view and links to semiconductor manufacturers, distributors and translation services and dictionaries/encyclopaedias as well (in German)
- battery know-how
HwB - Hardwarebook (founded by Joakim Oegren): »greatest« free list in the Internet about pin out of connectors and cables in the PC, video and audio field
Special interest - anything else
Do-it-yourself humor:
Darwin Awards Official Home Page; (out-dated German version): black humor
Moviephysics: movie and physical reality
Ucke HP: physic toys (link collection)