West Europe - East Europe
North America - Middle America - South America
North Africa - West Africa - Middle Africa - South Africa
West Asia - South Asia - South-East Asia - East Asia
Portugal | by want-list, also: Acores and Madeira |
Spain | by want-list |
Gibraltar | all stamps |
Andorra | all stamps |
France | by want-list |
Monaco | all commemoratives |
Belgium | by want-list |
Netherlands | by want-list |
Luxembourgh | by want-list |
Great Britain | by want-list |
GB-Alderney | all stamps |
GB-Jersey | by want-list |
GB-Ilse Man | by want-list |
GB-Guernsey | by want-list |
Ireland | by want-list |
Island | by want-list |
Denmark | by used and MNH want-list |
Faroer | by used and MNH want-list |
Greenland | all stamps or by want-list |
Norway | by used and MNH want-list |
Sweden | by used and MNH want-list |
Finland | used and MNH by want-list |
Aaland | by used and MNH want-list |
Austria used | by want-list |
Austria mint | by want-list |
Switzerland | by want-list |
Liechtenstein | all comemoratives but not 1962-1984 or by want-list |
Italy | by want-list |
San Marino | all stamps 1977-today, only in complete sentences or by want-list |
Vatican | by want-list |
Malta | by want-list |
Greece | by want-list |
Turkey | by want-list |
Cyprus (Greek) | all stamps |
Cyprus (Turkey) | by want-list |
UN Vienna (S currency) | all 1991-today |
UN Geneve (Fr currency) | all stamps |
Poland | by want-list; all stamps 1992-today | |
Czechoslowakia | by want-list | |
Czech Republik | all stamps 1993-today | |
Slowakia | all stamps (1938-1945; 1993-today) | |
Hungary | by want-list | |
Bulgaria | by want-list | |
Romania | by want-list | |
Yugoslavia | by want-list used | by want-list mint |
Croatia | by want-list | |
Slovenia | by want-list | |
Serbia | want-list in preparation | |
Montenegro | want-list in preparation | |
Bosnia-Herzegowina | all stamps | |
Albania | all stamps | |
Sovjet-Union used | by want-list | |
Sovjet-Union mint | by want-list | |
Russia | all commemoratives | |
Estland/Eesti | by want-list | |
Litauen/Lietuva | by want-list | |
Lettland/Latvija | by want-list | |
Ex-Sovjet States | all stamps 1991-today |
USA | by want-list |
Canada | by want-list |
UN New York (c,$ currency) | all stamps |
Mexico | all commemoratives 1970-today |
Nicaragua | all stamps till 1973, comms, 1974-1982 and 1991-today only complete sentences |
Honduras | all stamps |
Belize | all stamps |
El Salavdor | all commemoratives 1970-today |
Panama | all stamps |
Guatemala | all commemotarives til 1970, all stamps 1970-today |
Costa Rica | all stamps 1970-today |
Canal-Zone | all stamps |
Haiti | all stamps but bird-series |
Cuba | no stamps |
Dominica | all stamps (not 1994-1996) |
small Islands (not Cuba) | all stamps |
Columbia | all commemoratives 1985-today |
Venezuela | all commemoratives 1980-today or by want-list |
Peru | all stamps 1970-today |
Equador | all commemoratives 1970-today |
Chile | all commemoratives 1975-today |
Argentinia | all commemoratives 1980-today |
Brazil | by want-list |
Paraguay | complete sets only |
Bolivia | all stamps 1970-today |
Uruguay | all commemoratives 1970-today |
Guyana | all stamps till 1986, stamps 1991 only complete sentences |
Surinam | all stamps |
Egypt | all commemoratives stamps |
Tunesia | all commemoratives stamps |
Lybia | all stamps |
Algeria | all commemoratives stamps |
Maroc | all commemoratives stamps |
Sahara | all stamps till 1992, 1998-today in complete sets |
Tschad | all stamps in complete sets only |
Sudan | all stamps |
Mauretania | all stamps till 1974, 1989-today in complete sets only |
Mali | all stamps in complete sentences only |
Fernando Poo | all stamps |
Niger | complete sets only |
Nigeria | all commemoratives stamps |
Ghana | all commemoratives stamps |
Guinea-Bissau | all stamps till 1983 in complete sets, 1990-today in complete sets |
Djibouti | all stamps till 1978, 1990-today in complete sets only |
Dahomey | all stamps |
Sierra Leona | all stamps |
Ivory Coast | all stamps till 1980, 1990-today in complete sets only |
Togo | all stamps till 1975, 1975-today only in complete sets |
Benin | all stamps till 1995, 1998-today in complete sets only |
Liberia | all stamps till 1970, 1980-today only in complete sets |
Upper Volte | comlete sets only |
Burkina Faso | comlete sets only |
Gabun | all stamps |
Senegal | all stamps |
Gambia | all stamps |
Cabo Verde | all stamps |
Congo | all stamps till 1975, 1997-today only in complete sets |
Cameroun | all stamps |
Guinea Equitoral | no stamps |
Zambia | all stamps |
Equatorial Africa | all stamps |
Occidental Africa | all stamps |
Central Africa | all stamps till 1975, 1986-today in complete sentences only |
Angola | all stamps |
Zaire | all stamps |
East Africa | by want-list |
Uganda | all stamps |
Kenya | all commemoratives stamps |
Ruanda | all stamps till 1965 and 1977-today |
Burundi | all stamps |
Ethopia | all stamps |
Eritrea | all stamps |
Somalia | all stamps |
Tansania | all stamps till 1984, 1998 till today in complete sets |
St.Tome and Prince | all stamps till 1978, all stamps 1985 and 1991-today in complete sets only |
Gold Coast | all stamps |
Mosambique | all stamps |
Namibia | all stamps |
SWA | all commemoratives stamps |
Zimbabwe | all stamps |
Rhodesia | all commemoratives stamps |
Madagascar (Malgache, Malagasy) | all stamps till 1990, 1995-today in complete sets |
South Africa | by want-list |
Comores | all stamps |
Lesotho | all stamps |
Basutoland | all stamps |
Swasiland | all stamps |
Cap of Good Hope | all stamps |
Transvaal | all stamps |
Boputatswana | all stamps |
Botswana | all stamps |
Transkei | all stamps |
Ciskei | all stamps |
Mauritius | all stamps |
Malawi | all stamps |
Palestine | all commemoratives stamps |
Israel | by want-list |
Jordania | all commemoratives stamps |
Libanon | all commemoratives stamps |
Syria | all stamps |
Iran | all commemoratives stamps |
Irak | all commemoratives stamps |
Kuwait | all stamps |
United Arabic Emirates | all stamps 1973-today |
single Emirates (Ajman, Manama, Dubai, Ras-al-Chaima, Fujeira...) | no stamps |
Oman | all stamps |
Qatar | all stamps |
Yemen | all stamps 1974-today |
Afghanistan | all stamps in complete sentences only |
India | by want-list |
Ceylon | by want list |
Sri Lanka | all stamps 1978-today |
Nepal | all stamps |
Birma/Burma | all stamps |
Pakistan | all commemorative stamps |
Maledives | all stamps |
Seychelles | all stamps |
Bangladesh | all stamps |
Nederland's Indie | all stamps |
Loas | all stamps till 1981, 1997-today in complete sets only |
Cambodge | all stamps till 1982, 1996-today in complete sets only |
Vietnam | no stamps |
Thailand | all commemoratives stamps |
Siam | all stamps |
Bhutan | all stamps |
Malaya | all commemoratives stamps |
Nederlands India | all commemoratives stamps |
Brunei | all stamps |
Bornea | all stamps |
Papua New Guinea | all stamps |
Indonesia | all commemoratives stamps |
Malaysia | all commemoratives stamps |
Hongkong | all commemoratives stamps |
Singapore | all commemoratives stamps |
Philipines | all stamps 1970-1980, all 1980-today in complete sets only |
China (Rep.) | all stamps till 1990 and 1999-today |
Taiwan | all commemoratives stamps |
North Korea | all stamps till 1973, 1992-today in complete sets only |
South Korea | all commemoratives stamps |
Japan | by want-list |
Mongolia | complete sentences only |
Australia | by want-list |
New Zealand | by want-list |
small Islands | all stamps |